
The Daily

Life is what we expect, today is what we get.

When hearing the phrase: "Racial Segregation", what do you comes up with ?

Many medias today cover the graphic video recorded in late Fabruary, which recorded that exact moment of 25-year-old black man, Ahmaud Arbery, was shot, and died after subsequent brutal shot. His families and civil right activists now stre…

Fear a large backlash of coronavirus on climate

CNN reported that "India has seen its first year on year reduction in carbon emissions for the first time in four decades, new analysis released Tuesday shows, " on 12 May, and you can get much information about this from: edition.cnn.com …

Education Disparity should be prioritized, especially under such circumstance.

www.nbcnews.com he transition into online education, virtual learning, might be ideal way of providing children with education, and are now becoming a new norm amid this grim pandemic. the fact of the matter is, however, that just because …

Wearing a mask is new normal in the U.S?

Some states are marching for re-opening their counties, districts and stores, and at some areas from coast to coast there are sings of reopening backlash, demanding their freedom by quarentine fatigue even under the order. Reflecting upon …

Opinion: The utmost fundamental problem on attitudes toward global issues

Along with following new-coronavirus that causes more than 2 score deaths and 1000cases of sickend people, but it seems likely to be more people infected in China. This coronavirus is now spreading concerns all over the globe today. Povert…

No cash, but E-cash

I recieved some odd mails in Chiniese from Facebook recently, which was about something like "ads". I thought they were just spam so ignored it but that was wrong. I finally managed to deactivate the creepy accounts and/or a guy(?) which/…