
The Daily

Life is what we expect, today is what we get.

When hearing the phrase: "Racial Segregation", what do you comes up with ?

Many medias today cover the graphic video recorded in late Fabruary, which recorded that exact moment of 25-year-old black man, Ahmaud Arbery, was shot, and died after subsequent brutal shot. His families and civil right activists now stress their anger against the irresposnible of the local authority, gathering outside the Gergia State Capital building. The footage later ended up in having revealed the definitive flaw of the federal judiciary of the US because this grim shooting  was too late to be covered in the public. Some assume why this footage has withholded for as long as 2monthsis simply the autorities downplay the death of "Black Guy," period. I surely feel discomfort with this shooting as a black guy has died for nothing, regardless of his race, deeds, and thought. The people in the US are guaranteed their freedom right under the first amendment, but sometimes its freedom right are ignored or forfeited for thier race, religion, thought, and etc,.

Justice of the Peace Service

I realized however that many might not realize what they should have realized. What if he was a white. What if both the father and his son were black, or Asian. During the coronavirus, I had some chances to listen and read articles over racism against Asian from white in the name of justice. I won't lambaste but the fact is that the US president Donald Trump called the virus as Chinese virus. Racism, gun violence and illicit arrest are prevailing the society but sarcastically, those are not necessarily known to every body except happened under the typical scenario. 


When i put the words in either Japanese or English, I found an interesting fact. On Google news feed, I put three words "white," "black," and last one varies each time from violence to murder. The result is that almost all cases are by white offenders, meaning that black people are tend to be victims and casualities. It sounds weird, probably not to you, but at least to me. We are not even in 1960s or before. It is 2020. This tendency is quit interesting as well; when people hear racial segregation or racism, the first impression they come up with is "white did again." I am sorry if it sounds racist but no offence. I always write this worthless post from quit objective perspective so that I reflect my thought but do not reflect my ethical view at all and will not. What I want to say the most is racism does not always happen from one certain group to another, but it differs. We happen to see news over racism against particular group; for example asian, hispanic and black seem to be frequently subjected to be attacked but remember, that is not always the case. The fact is that there have been lots of segregation in the long history of America. Today, as such, news cover sometimes in exageratted way especially when the incidents happend to them; when the case is reversal, from namely minority group to white, it seems less remarkable because probably not all media do not tell the story about it: manipulating. 


To make long story short, in this world, today, we can not have something always happen to one particular groups, but reversal is likely to occur only because we have less opportunity to see the kind of news. Once again, I am not in either side. I am always neutral because racism or dismissive mean nothing. Simply I wrote down what exacly I thought and I felt from every day life, but if you feel obnoxious reading this, I never mind your asking me to delete this post immediately.



Fear a large backlash of coronavirus on climate

CNN reported that "India has seen its first year on year reduction in carbon emissions for the first time in four decades, new analysis released Tuesday shows, " on 12 May, and you can get much information about this from:




During such days, full of grim news by the virus, I am pleased to hear this kind of bright news over climate which used to be among some of seriously being considered as global issues. In fact, it is the story in not only in India alone, but same phenomena are seen in China and the U.S. With the governments announcement of the lockdown, ranging industry from factories to trasnportation has virtually decreased. As this reduction of exodus or people's move from town to town, the demand of oil consumption has plummented, which should be the key factor of cleaning otherwise smoggy atmosphere.


I am extremely glad if this less carbon emissions than it used to be continuously and permanently because needless to innocuous atmosphere must benefit our health as well as this plane; but unfortunately I assume that would not be the case if this pandemic is over. 


Following a strict mesurement by governments, many industries face huge loss by less demand, and I frequently got to see the news about companies filed for Chapter 11 bankrupcy. If this stringent lockdown are eliminated, what do you expect to come next?

I expect that to compensate for loss which abates the company during the pandemic many comapnies will run their factories or machines on a larger scale, which means we are going to see carbon emissions contaminate the atmosphere at faster rate again. 

This is the fear, and fear of backlash of COVID-19 on our planet. 


I am not saying that company stop working because it's going to be disaster if reopen, but I do not want them to work without any serious consideration over climate because that is selfish in my book. Who wants to live in devastated planet by increaing carbon emmisions?-Nobody. Nobody want to reside such planet.


I hope we can go back to normacy as fast as we can by containing the virus practicing social distance and wearing a face covering, but do not hope to see a city with smoggy and polluted atmosphere again. 


Take care of Yourself and Each Other. I thank to all workers on Frontline to fight against the virus, sacrificing thier lives. 

Education Disparity should be prioritized, especially under such circumstance.



he transition into online education, virtual learning, might be ideal way of providing children with education, and are now becoming a new norm amid this grim pandemic. the fact of the matter is, however, that just because a class is held online in the same way as in the classroom, that does not necessarily mean that every student can join it simply because it costs more. Upon participation, students must need a device with which students talk, share, hand in, and respond. Sufficient internet connection is also a must because needless to say, without it, nobody cannot access to where the class is held. In Japan alone, some people argue against the transition demanding inequality. In Puerto Rico, a quarter of the people does not have internet. The government, bureaucrats, and politicians always state that every child have the right to education, but it sounds a little hypocrisy because the real is different. This transition reveals and let me know several things; economic disparity, insufficient financial and education support.



Wearing a mask is new normal in the U.S?

Some states are marching for re-opening their counties, districts and stores, and at some areas from coast to coast there are sings of reopening backlash, demanding their freedom by quarentine fatigue even under the order. Reflecting upon such movements, I recently have been feeling that this pandemic would cease to exist in a matter of weeks although I intensively convince myself that that will not be the case at all.

The U.S. Central for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, has been calling for people to wear face covering, which is known as a mask in Asia, for one of precautions. The fact of the matter is that the increaing number of people in the country are used to wearing a face covering which otherwise for patients in critical condition. Including News correspondernts, frontline workers, the overall opportunities of seeing people's wearing it on TV have increased. 


Delta Airlines has announced that wearing a mask is a must for both crews and passengers, following Jetblue airways required souls on board to wear a mask, becoming a first major ailines to enact the rule in the U.S. 


Also: Coronavirus: American, United, Delta, more to require flyer face masks


In Asia region where I live, "mask" is nothing but a part of lives for many people. We asian probably have no bias against wearing a mask; just because individuals wear a mask, nobody would condemn them and elude them by regarding a mask as a patient with critical condition. In Japan, we have a lot of pine trees which is notably famous for causing hay fever. To prevent this allergy, some wear a mask to protect the tiny particles  into their nose. Other than that, people usually wear it for the purpose of a precaution for seasonal flu or other disease. This is not hype at all, but because at the public spaces like on the train where high density of people is seen, people are sereously  concerned to be infected as nowadays many around the globe practice social distancing outside for that reason. To make a long story short, in Asia region, people believe the effect of mask is reliable in blocking even itty bitty particles from entering the body by covering especially nose and mouth.


In United States, on the other hand, people does not believe its efficacy, I assume. I unfortunately cannot know what the truth is because I am not an American citizens, and above all, I have never experienced the life in the U.S, which is why I have no idea how people see or think of mask as. I, however, felt I was able to know the degree of which how much a mask is not a part of American culture by the pandemic: Coronavirus, also known as "COVID-19." At first phase, probably back in March or February just when coronavirus started spreading across the globe outside China, CDC announced that wearing a mask does not protect the people from the virus because of the lack of rationale. (see: CDC says surgical masks won't protect you from the coronavirus | KOMO)

I was in Orlando, Florida and Dallas, Texas in late February for single trips. On the plane to Seoul from Tokyo, and to Atlant from Seould, I saw many people, especially asian, wearing a protective gear. And the same phenomenon was seen at the gate of a plane for Seould at Atlant airport. Othere than that, on domestic flight, hotels, universal studio, Kennedy Space Center, Stockyard, downtoun and so on, nobody wore a mask. I brought there with the hope of the people wear a mask for a precaution, but that ended up in fantasy. Probably if I had wore the mask there, I would have been experienced what is equivalent to discremination or something. 


These days, however, the virus turned the table. I think the virus has wiped out the obsolete attidude toward a mask. CDC as well as many news corresponders, the President Donald Trump urge people to wear a mask or use face covering made by cloth to cover up a face, in addition to practicing social distance. I actually doubt that a mask can prevent being infected, but one thing which is obvious is that you can avoid catching someone's saliva spitted unintentionaly. And the virus are thought to be in the air so that if you breathed in the uncleaned air, you would see the tragetic result by the virus. 


The latent of mask has been proved around the globea as many coorperations, governements, and institutions mandate mask wearing, and wearing a mask does not mean special at all because many are understanding its function well. I strongly hope that just because of one mask, just because people are wearing a mask, nobody will be the subject of racism, or denigration. 


Please take care of yourself and each other, and watch the announcement made by municipals or governemnts carefully to follow the rule for containg the viru as fast as we can.